Not much time for blogging these past couple of weeks, what with the great American gingerbread-house- decorating-extravaganza, the numerous trips to The Seattle Center for obligatory carousel rides, and the pilgrimage to the Bellevue Goodwill (which is actually in Redmond; a bit of a trek but worth it), but we could not resist posting this poem by Marjorie Manwaring as we were just now thinking of rejection slips and how we'd like one right now, anything but this unbearable editorial silence that rolls in like a great, chilling fog each mid-December and does not lift until just after New Year's (just around the time, come to think of it, when the Great American Christmas Season Holiday Hangover begins to lift), though I did hear from The Kenyon Review last week--a kind and warm rejection email that said I almost hit the bull's eye until I sullied things up with a Tombstone Pizza (no need to shed tears for me; I've already sent it off to elsewhere). Oh, and this Un-Christmas-y greeting (see post title) from a press that will go unnamed.
Happy wassailing to all our followers and admirers (and heck, even those lukewarm); please be assured we do not ever regret you.
Rejection Letter from Gertrude Stein
We are pleased very pleased
To regret sir.
Regret to inform you the list for
Talents selected not you dear.
So many many and many
Many talents not you dear.
Received many fine not you.
Thank you extremely fine thank you.
Keep us I mind please keep us.
Please keep
Your submission in mind.
Entries so fine many fine
Winners selected not you.
Not you. Not quite
What we need
At this time not quite.
Keep in mind best of luck next time.
Editors wish you this guideline.
Best of selected regret.
Not chosen you were not able.
We inform our regret.
We reject your receive.
We receive we regret. Inform you we do.
We do as we do.
Today: To do: Don’t forget.
Difficult choice we regret.
Space an issue weren’t able. Limited
Space unable.
Accept this issue
Our complimentary
Gift to you.
Letterpressed gift in which you
Do not appear we regret you.
We regret to reject with respect
Please accept. Do
Not not accept
This reject
If you do
If you do
With respect
With respect
We reject you.
-by Marjorie Manwaring
Fantastic. I'm going to post it onward. Right now.
About that fog, I hear you.
And then a rejection letter was waiting for me when I arrived home.
(Be careful about what?)
Oh for a rejection letter instead of those micro second rejection emails. I've had two just this week ..
I hate rejections in whatever form they arrive in.
That is a cute poem.
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