I hope everyone who was there had a rollicking good time.
For me there were many high moments, such as the following:
*Cornelius Eady's great gushing laugh as he gave us all permission to write persona poems;
*Joan Houlihan referring to the "poem as alibi," reminding us to read Stein's Everybody's Autobiography, and quoting Whitman ("I may not tell everybody, but I will tell you");
*Listening to Robert Thomas read his poem, "Take this Job and Shove it";
*All the poets who read for I Can't Dance to it/Not My Revolution; Seriously Funny, and the Outsiders Write About the Outside;
*Paisley Rekdal's "innocence is the first right to being alive";
*Doug Goetsch's comment that "time is the best editor at all."
*Hearing and meeting Juan Felipe Herrera ("everybody say SHESH-TEE-NAH!"), especially the description of his tia: "like a mean Frita!!!!" and the partial recitation of his 6th grade report on the Bay of Fundy.
*Running into and hugging and laughing with so many wonderful poets.
*Sigh* It is always a little sad to me when the blue/white signs go down and the next batch of conference attendees start to roll in with their suitcases. Yes, I am tired. Yes, I am behind on grading. Yes, I am having trouble getting out of bed, and will probably stay parked in this room/bed until my airport shuttle arrives 4 hours, but HEY, wasn't that FUN!?!?!?!?!?
(Top to bottom: Henry Israeli and I, Barbara Hamby & David Kirby, Keetje Kuipers)
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