Nothing Fancy
I am from hush puppies & barbecue
from chitlins & fatbacks
hog maws & hog jaws & grits & scrapple.
Outside stands a dogwood tree we have let
overgrow from laziness
& a driveway cracked
with blades of grass.
I am from Rosemary & Stanley,
the last model in the series.
Around our house honeysuckle blesses the air,
seasons the heat of summer into a main dish.'
I am a plum black garnish to the day.
Wafts of smoke from pots on the stove
steam the kitchen.
Salt & Pepper stand at attention
next to the potholders on the counter.
Dinner is ready--no time for parsley.
Thanks, Martha! So nice to spend a little time with you. Hope your reading went well.
It was a pleasure!
Like this one! Thanks for the rec.
(my word verification for this is "bugnice." Guess I should write a poem with the line "I am from bugnice...")
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